That title got your attention, huh? You have a naughty, naughty mind! Anyhoo, Jack came home from work on Monday night and said he wasn't feeling well - chest pain (this got my attention), nausea, generally feeling unwell. You get the picture. So off to emergency for us - where we sat for nine freakin' hours during which he felt perfectly healthy. Kill me. I was ready to totally rip out his IV and Bonnie and Clyde him right out of there. In the most loving way possible, of course. I will admit he got excellent care from the doctors and nurses there, but nine hours is a long, long time. One nurse told him that work wasn't everything and he needed to know what ELSE he could do besides work. He said he did know. And this is what he was thinking:
A boat in Margaritaville, yo.

So that passed about 30 minutes of time.

What I did notice was the absolutely beautiful medical equipment throughout the hospital - especially the carts. Wouldn't they be beautiful in your home? They are brightly-coloured, multi-functional, and extremely sturdy. The wheels make them easy to move around. Picture a cart for craft supplies, or tools. Or as a wrapping station. It could even be a kitchen island.
I found these babies on medicalcarts.net:

I also looked at the website for Princess Auto:

Seriously, my heart is racing over this tool chest (that blue!!!!!) - the next trip to emerg may be for me ;P

Where do you get your inspiration?
George Clooney image via google images.